
Ayer se liberó la version de Prestashop build 6780.
Incluye pocos cambios con respecto a las versiones anteriores, que desde que se liberó la 1.4.0 ha mejorado bastante.

# v1.4.2.5 – 6780 (2011-05-30) #

Improved/changed features:

[*] Installer : add PS_VERSION_DB configuration data filled after install / upgrade

[*] FO : smarty_v2 improvement : moved currentTemplate init in fetch method instead of display method

[*] Core : module carrier has been disabled on One page checkout when customer isn’t logged
[*] Core : module carrier has been disabled on One page checkout when customer isn’t logged Part 2

Fixed bugs:

[-] Project : fix an issue on Tools::jsonDecode

[-] Installer : fixed bug where categories have incorrect level_depth

[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-2077 – Tax rules + customization
[-] FO : Fixed #PSCFI-2051 – weekdays translations are now correct in store_infos google maps
[-] FO : Fixed #PSCFI-2066 – Control terms if terms are activated
[-] FO : On updating address with a bad field, firstname and alias are fill with the post + the registered data.

[-] BO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2035 – The other messages in this category have been answered
[-] BO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2073 – avoid crashing the product listing page when you have not enough memory to resize the thumbnails

[-] Classes : fixed bug with cookie name generated from http host causing cookie duplication

[-] MO : Bug fixed #PSCFI-2055 – number_format replaced by round in PayPal Module (Thanks Angora 🙂
[-] MO : Bug fixed on eBay Module (when products does not exist)
[-] MO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-1782 – Dibs could not do the callback
[-] MO : adding a message in So Colissimo module, in order to indicate: this module isn’t compliant with OPC feature

Para ver los cambios completos, puedes consultar el CHANGELOG de prestashop







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