Si tuvieramos que valorar la nota de Plesk no sería ni mucho menos un 9,5 ( sobresaliente ) si no más bien un 5,9 ( bien bajo jejeje ). Tras la tremenda oleada de cagadas que están teniendo ( sobretodo con qmail y postfix ) tenemos ya la release 9.5
Básicamente corrigen mogollón de fallos realtivos al webmail, qmail y posftix. Agregan soporte para Explorer 8, soporte para CloudLInux, pasarelas de pago, virtualizacion con Xen, HyperV, Wmware,etc.. y quizás dos o tres cosas que nos interesa a los administradores :
- Upgraded components: ProFTPD was upgraded to the version 1.3.2b, phpMyAdmin to the version 2.9.11, and Horde Application Framework to the versio
- Cross-site scripting vulnerability was eliminated.
- ProFTPD 1.3.1 was prone to a security vulnerability that allowed
attackers to perform cross-site request forgery types of attacks – to resolve this issue, ProFTPD was upgraded to the version 1.3.2b. -
[-] SpamAssassin spam filter incorrectly classified most of the messages delivered in the year 2010 as spam – issue resolved.
[-] If a message cannot be sent, sender receives a message with invalid field from=#@[] bug is fixed.
[-] Web statistics were not calculated properly when the piped logs feature was switched on – issue resolved.
Como podeis comprobar, cuatro cositas de nada más los ‘known bugs’
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